Aalto University Scholarship 2023-2024

Undergraduate / Masters / PhD | 15–30 March 2023

Aalto was created with a mission to lead a way for a nation. To unite a diverse set of people through science, arts, technology and business. To create a better world by bringing quantum engineers, urban economists and fashion designers to collide and to elevate each other. Our way is to accelerate curiosity and responsibility towards solving the biggest challenges in the world. For this task we offer an academic environment that reimagines the way a university operates.
We are inspirited through the radical creativity of our students and the entrepreneurial mindset of our community. We drive fundamental research and fuel sustainable growth. Make theories become solutions and prototypes become breakthroughs.
Our differences are the gravity that pulls us together and the chemistry that sparks us to action. Together we build beyond the status quo and always find a way forward.

Courses Offered:

Students can enroll in any subject offered by university.

Program Period:

Depends on the degree program

Eligibility Criteria for Scholarships:

The Incentive-Based Scholarship can be granted if you have completed 60 ECTS credits (or above) of studies from your approved personal study plan during one academic year. Students in double degree programmes can also apply for the scholarship if they are paying tuition fees to Aalto, and have completed the required 60 ECTS credits while studying at Aalto University.

To apply, simply follow the information and instructions in the incentive-based scholarships email that schools send out towards the end of spring term. If you are a fee-paying student and have not received the email by the end of May, or are not sure if you qualify, please contact the student services. The deadline for the scholarship applications is the end of October.
The scholarship is 1 500 € and it is paid towards the end of autumn term (or upon graduation, where applicable). The Incentive-Based Scholarship can be granted more than once.

Services at Aalto University

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Scholarship decisions

The scholarships can be awarded to the best applicants. Applicants are ranked according to the admission criteria (the admission criteria can be seen on the admissions website).
In Master's admissions, scholarship decisions are made based on the academic evaluation of the applicants selected for the degree programs. Applications are evaluated in the programs according to the predefined academic evaluation criteria that are available on the study option's website.
The scholarship decision is given at the same time as the admission decision.
As defined in the Universities Act, the scholarship decision cannot be appealed.