Yale University Scholarship For International Students

Undergraduate, Master’s and PhD | 1st December, 2022 15th December,2022 2nd January, 2023

Are you yearning for studying in USA for your undergraduate, master’s or PhD degree? Here is a great opportunity for brilliant students. Yale University offer financial aids and different scholarships for the hard working students. The Yale University financial aid includes, Yale Scholarship, Merit-based Scholarship and Entitlement grants. Students who have excellence educational records in any field can apply for these scholarships. Scholarships are heavily funded and health insurance is also offered, depending upon the scholarship. Studying at Yale University on the scholarship is icing on the cake for students who are int. The duration of your scholarship depends upon your degree (from 2-5 academic years). Studying at Yale University is the dream of many students no matter from where they belong.

Scholarships are available for undergraduates, Masters and PhD programs. This a great opportunity for brilliant students whose families can’t afford the high quality education at Yale. With one of the worlds best faculty, students will get the best knowledge and practical understanding of things. Scholarships are equal opportunity for all students so students from different races, religions, social and economic background. The students will experience the American culture while studying at Yale.
Yale University was found in 1701, located at New Haven, Connecticut. Yale University is one of the oldest university in U.S and has produced many Nobel Laureates, Supreme Court Justices, US Presidents and Rhodes Scholars. The university is also the part of Ivy League schools that are the most prestigious schools.

Country | USA
Institution| Yale University
Type| Funded
Degree| Undergraduate, Master’s and PhD
Duration of Degree| Depends upon the degree (2-5 academic years)

Scholarship Requirements:

The following are the eligibility criteria to apply for the scholarship

  • Students from all over the globe are eligible.
  • IELTS score needs to be 7 or more
  • The minimum TOEFL score on the internet-based, paper-based and computer-based is 100, 600 and 250 respectively.
  • The USDA Food and Nutrition Service had set the income eligibility guidelines, the annual income of your family should be falling within the criteria.
  • The student is orphan or a ward of the country.
  • The students living in a federally subsidized government housing, a foster home or have no home.
  • The family of a student is getting any public assistance.
  • The student is eligible for getting SAT and ACT testing fee waiver.
  • The student studying in any program that aids the students whose family can’t afford much. For example, TRIO programs
  • The student who is eligible for Federal Free or Reduced Price Lunch Program.

Scholarship and their Benefits:

There are three kinds of scholarships or aids gifted by Yale University:

1) Yale Scholarship:

For the undergraduate students who are unable to pay their fee, Yale university gives them the aid called ‘Yale Scholarship’. This amount is also involved on the ‘Financial Aid Award Letter’ of Yale University. Yale University also uses the gift aids received from Yale alumni and friends to provide this scholarship.

Scholarship is granted from few hundred dollars to $70,000 every year.
$50,000 is the average amount of Yale need-based Scholarship.

2) Merit Based Scholarships:

Merit-based Scholarships are sponsored from outside Yale. These scholarships are awarded to the students who have excellence in sports, academics, music or in any other field. There are numerous organization that provide these merit awards such as,

private companies
nonprofit organizations
U.S military also provides scholarships. The government and some private organizations are also resources of these scholarships.
For students on financial aid, outside merit scholarships may reduce their Student Share. Amounts that exceed the total Student Share reduce Yale Scholarship.

Student share may reduce.
Health insurance (Gates Millennium Scholarship and NCAA Grant)
Cost of a computer

3) Entitlement grants:

The federal government, state agencies and other agencies offer different grants. All the agencies have different merit for providing the grant. The resource is considered as entitlement if the student receives doesn’t get the resource without need. For entitlement grants you will be recognized on the basis of federal need, city or state of residence. Your affiliation with any employer can also be recognized.

The following grants are provided:

federal Pell Grants and Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG)
state grants
employer tuition benefits
Yale Club or Association Scholarships

Programs offered:

Following undergraduate and graduate programs (Majors and Minors) are taught at Yale,

Undergraduate Program:

  • African American Studies (B.A.)
  • African Studies (B.A.)
  • American Studies (B.A.)
  • Anthropology (B.A.)
  • Applied Mathematics (B.A. or B.S.)
  • Applied Physics (B.S.)
  • Archaeological Studies (B.A.)
  • Architecture (B.A.)
  • Art (B.A.)
  • Astronomy (B.A.)
  • Astrophysics (B.S.)
  • Biomedical Engineering (B.S.)
  • Chemical Engineering (B.S.)
  • Chemistry (B.A. or B.S.)
  • Classical Civilization (B.A.)
  • Classics (B.A.)
  • Cognitive Science (B.A. or B.S.)
  • Comparative Literature (B.A)
  • Computer Science (B.A. or B.S.)
  • Computer Science and Economics (B.S.)
  • Computer Science and Mathematics (B.S.)
  • Computer Science and Psychology (B.A.)
  • Computing and Linguistics (B.A. or B.S.)
  • Computing and the Arts (B.A.)
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences (B.A. or B.S.)
  • East Asian Languages and Literatures (B.A.)
  • East Asian Studies (B.A.)
  • Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (B.A. or B.S.)
  • Economics (B.A.)
  • Economics and Mathematics (B.A.)
  • Electrical Engineering (B.S.)
  • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (B.S.)
  • Engineering Sciences (Chemical) (B.S.)
  • Engineering Sciences (Electrical) (B.A. or B.S.)
  • Engineering Sciences (Environmental) (B.A.)
  • Engineering Sciences (Mechanical) (B.A. or B.S.)
  • English (B.A.)
  • Environmental Engineering (B.S.)
  • Environmental Studies (B.A. or B.S.)
  • Ethics, Politics, and Economics (B.A.)
  • Ethnicity, Race, and Migration (B.A.)
  • Film and Media Studies (B.A.)
  • French (B.A.)
  • German Studies (B.A.)
  • Global Affairs (B.A.)
  • Greek, Ancient and Modern (B.A.)
  • History (B.A.)
  • History of Art (B.A.)
  • History of Science, Medicine, and Public Health (B.A.)
  • Humanities (B.A.)
  • Italian Studies (B.A.)
  • Judaic Studies (B.A.)
  • Latin American Studies (B.A.)
  • Linguistics (B.A.)
  • Mathematics (B.A. or B.S.)
  • Mathematics and Philosophy (B.A.)
  • Mathematics and Physics (B.S.)
  • Mechanical Engineering (B.S.)
  • Modern Middle East Studies (B.A.)
  • Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry (B.A. or B.S.)
  • Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (B.A. or B.S.)
  • Music (B.A.)
  • Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations (B.A.)
  • Neuroscience (B.A. or B.S.)
  • Philosophy (B.A.)
  • Physics (B.S.)
  • Physics and Geosciences (B.S.)
  • Physics and Philosophy (B.A. or B.S.)
  • Political Science (B.A.)
  • Portuguese (B.A.)
  • Psychology (B.A. or B.S.)
  • Religious Studies (B.A.)
  • Russian (B.A.)
  • Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies (B.A.)
  • Sociology (B.A.)
  • South Asian Studies (second major only)
  • Spanish (B.A.)
  • Special Divisional Major (B.A. or B.S.)
  • Statistics and Data Science (B.A. or B.S.)
  • Theater and Performance Studies (B.A.)
  • Urban Studies (B.A.)
  • Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (B.A.)

Graduate Program:

  • School of Architecture
  • School of Art
  • Divinity School
  • Drama School
  • School of the Environment
  • Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
  • Law School
  • School of Management
  • School of Medicine
  • School of Music
  • School of Nursing
  • Physician’s Assistant Program
  • School of Public Health
  • Institute of Sacred Music


There are different deadlines depending upon the courses.

1st December, 2022
15th December,2022
2nd January, 2023

These deadlines are subjected to change at any time.

Required Documents:

Recommendation letters from your teachers
School Report
Academic transcripts
Report of your recent degree
Standardize Testing Results